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History and Overview of NAACP Branch 1034

In 1976, a number of concerned citizens assembled at the home of Jim and Ethel McGowan under the encouragement of Virginia Green Phillips to bring a NAACP branch to Lake Elsinore. Ameal Moore of the Riverside NAACP worked as a liaison helping the fledgling group with the application to create a vibrant and active force in the community. 


Virginia Phillips was the original President. Sonja Williams (now Wilson) was the Secretary with Flora Frazier as the Membership Chair. Dan Tindell served as Treasurer and Jim McGowan functioned as an advisor to the group on a number of important matters.

Lake Elsinore NAACP Branch 1034 received its charter in 1977 and became functional. The original group had a membership of more than fifty (which was the requirement) and continues to reach out to the public today in support of civil rights issues in a spirit of 'justice for all.' Two of the charter members are still alive and continue to support the organization.

In recent years, the Lake Elsinore branch has included the following Southwest Riverside County communities in their jurisdiction: Corona, Temecula, Murrieta, Canyon Lake, Perris, Norco, Wildomar, Menifee and Lake Elsinore. We welcome anyone from these communities to join us in our unified effort to support democracy and social justice in Southwest Riverside County.

Southwest Riverside County Branch of the NAACP (#1034) is classified as a 501(c)4 entity.​


Office is currently not staffed. All officers are volunteers.


15-20 member Executive Committee comprised of six officers and the other at-large members which have general control of affairs and programs of the branch as outlined in the NAACP Constitution and By-laws as implemented by the standing committees, as required. Myles Ross is the President and official Branch spokesperson.

The Southwest Riverside County Branch currently has 200+ members. Any person who is in accordance with the principles and policies of the Association may become a member of the Branch by paying an annual fee of $30.

Our mission is to achieve equity, political rights, and social inclusion by advancing policies and practices that expand human and civil rights, eliminate discrimination, and accelerate the well-being, education, and economic security of Black people and all persons of color.

The vision of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is to ensure a society in which all individuals have equal rights and there is no racial hatred or racial discrimination

Executive Committee meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month on a Zoom conference call.

General Membership meetings are scheduled on the 4th Saturday of the month from 11:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m. at Grace and Truth Worship Ministry, 31620 Auto Center Drive, Lake Elsinore. Contact the branch for online attendance option.


NAACP Branch 1034

P.O. BOX 543



Phone: 951-387-8848


© 2020

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