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Recent Events with Branch 1034

March 15, 2025:
Branch officers attended the Lake Elsinore Unified School District Junior BSU's forum where President Myles Ross shared an anti-hate presentation. Rosie Brady, Dr. Charles Washington and Yvonne Alexander also attended (pictured top photo).


February 21, 2025:
Branch Historian Brenda Phillips along with our  Community Advisor, Ric Stallworth, and President Myles Ross were guests to the National African American RV Association's weekend retreat held in Lake Elsinore. The invite was extended by Wagon Masters, Darryl Qualls and Phyllis Morrow as our hosts. Myles spoke, Brenda presented posters of branch history and events,  and Ric took photos.
On February 8, Brenda and Ric also attended that annual Black History Program at San Jacinto High School, staffing a table and offering one free membership in a drawing.


February 2025:
Check out this video recap from our Branch Videographer, Clayton Fogle from the Taste of Soul & Black Business Expo in Murrieta!

February 22, 2025:
We had a partnership social at our monthly meeting for Black History Month. Representatives from local AAPAC's, non-profits, Black-owned businesses and the Inland Valley Chamber of Commerce presented their services. Branch member and professional photographer Clayton Fogle also presented a Black History Month video showcase from his travels to Africa and to Charleston's International African American Museum. 


February 15, 2025:
Our branch partnered with VSSN for History in the making with Marvel's first Black Captain America in "Captain America: Brave New World" and car show event at the Regal Theater at Promenade Mall. Branch Executive Committee members Dr. Catina Barnes and Kristen Newsome staffed the table along with VSSN volunteers.


February 15, 2025:
Our branch was represented at the Perris Black HIstory Expo/Peace & Unity Walk. Membership Chairperson Dr. Charles Washington and Marcus Jackson staffed our membership table.


February 13, 2025:
We attended the Temecula REDI (Race, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion) Committee Meeting where the African American History Month Proclamation was read following a program including BSU and AAPAC speakers, a step team and numerous presentations from local and county officials. Branch President Myles Ross spoke in support and appreciation of the REDI Commission during the public comments section. The branch was also presented with a copy of the proclamation.


Branch members in attendance: Adam Eventov (REDI Commissioner), Eric Faulkner, Myles Ross, Lyman Legters (REDI Commissioner), Stevey Legters, Jennifer Palo, Daniel Palo.

Photos courtesy of Shawna Sarnowski Photography, City of Temecula.

February 1, 2025:
Taste of Soul in Murrieta. An exciting kick-off to Black History Month. Our branch staffed a table and signed up many new members!


January 28, 2025:
Branch members took part in the Black Chamber of Commerce Synergy and Social networking event which was held in partnership with VSSN. Vice President Dr. Catina Barnes, WIN (Women in NAACP) Chair Kristen Newsome,  
President Myles Ross and Economic Chair Roy Landers and other members attended.

January 25, 2025:
At our first branch meeting of the year, officers and committee chairs were sworn in with Lake Elsinore Councilman Robert Magee officiating. Congratulations to all!


Back from l to r: Ric Stallworth, Community Advisor; Pastor Willie J. Oliver, Religious Chair; Dr. Sylvester House, Treasurer; Judge Roy Landers, Economic Development Chair; Myles Ross, President; Dr. Charles Washington, Membership Chair
Front from l to r: Lynell Holden, Housing Chair; Dr. Catina Barnes, Second Vice President; Yvonne Alexander, Secretary; Dr. Shellie Dansby, Education Chair; Jennifer Palo, Communications Chair; Kristen Newsome, Women in NAACP (WIN) Chair.
Board members not pictured: Mary Venerable, Board Member Emerita and Legal Redress Chair; Rosie Brady, First Vice President; Rev. John W. Ralph, Jr., Third Vice President; Brenda Phillips, Historian; Anthony Noriega, LatinX Outreach Chair; Gwen Jones, Health Chair; Karisa Regis, Youth Advisor.


Branch Executive Committee officers from l to r: Rev. John W. Ralph, Jr., Dr. Catina Barnes, Rosie Brady, Myles Ross, Yvonne Alexander, Dr. Sylvester House.

January 20, 2025:
30th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Walk;
Members of our Youth Council took part in this long-standing event.


January 11, 2025:
Branch members attended the annual Inland Empire Men's Club MLK Day Celebration at Pechanga.
Branch Board Member Charles Washington, who is also the President of the IEMC, presented an award to keynote speaker Joseph Paulino, Chief of Police for the San Bernardino City Unified School District. Dr. Washington also presented awards to Evette Ferguson and Ronnie Pryor for their support for the event. Opening prayer was by Branch Vice President Dr. Catina Barnes.



Photos courtesy of Salvador Perez

December 14, 2024:
Secretary Rosie organized a Christmas Luncheon at Phil's BBQ for all branch members. We had a great time with members old and new!
Photos and slide show courtesy of Clayton Fogle. Enjoy!


December 10, 2024: Branch President Myles Ross is sworn in to the City of Lake Elsinore's Planning Commission. Congratulations, Myles!


November 14, 2024:
Rosie Brady and Jennifer Palo attended the Vista Murrieta High School Culture Night where various ethnic and social clubs were celebrated. 

Jennifer and Rosie making gnomes at the Finland booth, one of the many countries represented by student leaders at the event.
Rosie at the BSU booth where she connected with the student leaders about the NAACP Branch 1034.

November 2, 2024:
Dr. Charles Washington, Dr. Shellie Dansby and Tawnee Wakefield attended the Menifee Unified School District Annual Community Fair where they staffed a booth inviting visitors to membership in the branch.

October 27, 2024:
Branch President Myles Ross received the Patron of the Year Award from the Southern California Black Chamber of Commerce Inland Valley Chapter. Congratulations, Myles!


October 30, 2024:
Branch officers and chairpersons attended a meeting with Chief Tony Conrad and the leadership of the Murrieta Police Department where they received an update on the city's law enforcement and also where they presented Chief Conrad with a plaque and certificate, honoring his years of friendship to the branch. Chief Conrad will retire at the end of December, 2024, when Captain Matt Henry will become the new chief. 


Chief Tony Conrad with Myles Ross, Branch President. Photo credit: Ric Stallworth.
Below: Captain Phil Gomez, Captain Matt Henry, Lieutenant Henry Romero, Rosie Brady, Chief Tony Conrad, Mary Venerable, Lieutenant Jeremy Durrant, Myles Ross, Dr. Catina Barnes, Ric Stallworth, Jennifer Palo. Photo Credit: Murrieta Police Department.

October 26, 2024:
Branch Secretary Rosie Brady attended the Japanese Americans Citizens League fundraiser with Rob Shinno where she learned more about Japanese American civil rights and the work the organization has done for the past 90 years furthering equal rights and respect for Japanese Americans.


October 26, 2024:

At our recent general body meeting, guest speakers Michael Kent and Emily Pincin (lawyers with Kent/Pincin) notified members of the AIRPORT FIRE/TRABUCO CANYON FIRE so citizens can know their rights. Areas covered were how it started, who has a claim, avenues of recovery and the steps citizens can take to be reimbursed for damages. Even if your home was not damaged by fire, you may be entitled to funds due to smoke and other damage. Contact Information: (310) 376-0922.

Photo Credits: Clayton Fogle


September 24, 2024:
The branch hosted a forum for Congressional Candidate Will Rollins. Originally, Mary Venerable had planned an event to include all area congressional candidates. When only two replied, the events were divided into separate speaker forums - August 24 for Stephen Houlahan and September 24 for Will Rollins. Our organization does not endorse political candidates, but we provide opportunities for all candidates to be heard by their constituents.
Residents of Sun City/Menifee, Lake Elsinore, Wildomar, Corona, Norco and Canyon Lake had the opportunity to hear from their candidate and ask questions.


Photo 1: Will Rollins campaign table; 2: people gather to hear Mr. Rollins speak at Grace & Truth Worship Ministry where the event was held; 3: Branch President Myles Ross welcomes Will Rollins; 4 and 5: Will shares his platform with the audience; 6: Branch officers and chairs with Mr. Rollins: Pastor Willie Oliver, Brenda Phillips, Dr. Charles Washington, Rosie Brady, Will Rollins, Mary Venerable and Myles Ross; 7: event organizer Mary with Will, who also presented her with a cake and flowers for her recent 90th  birthday.

Photo credits: Clayton Fogle

September 22, 2024:
Members of the branch attended a special 90th birthday celebration for Mary Venerable. Her children and grandchildren hosted family and friends at Wilson Creek Winery for a festive afternoon. Congratulations, Mary, on your big day! Thank you for your decades of service to the branch. You inspire many! 


Mary, the guest of honor, with Rosie Brady. Second photo: with Susan Dye, Jennifer Palo and Brenda Phillips. Third photo: Mary shares a few words surrounded by her granddaughters. Fourth photo: Jared, Myles and Cynthia Ross, Jennifer Palo and Stevey Wonderfu! Legters. Fifth photo: Mary at the head table surrounded by her sons, daughter-in-law and special friend.


August 28, 2024:
Mary Venerable organized a City Council Candidates Forum for our branch. It was held at the Lake Elsinore Cultural Center and was well-attended by 10 candidates from seven of the nine communities we represent. Numerous citizens took part, having a chance to hear each candidate speak and answer audience questions. 


Photos from top left: Mary Venerable, event organizer; Branch President Myles Ross welcomes all; a view of the panel and audience; Mary collects audience questions for moderator Jennifer Palo; part of the Branch 1034 team: Rosie, Mary and Jennifer; Rosie, branch secretary,  invites people to join the branch.
Photo credits: Ric Stallworth.

City Council Candidates present: Back row l to r: Eric Faulkner, Temecula; Sue Evans, Temecula; Dameon Greene, Menifee; Bridget Moore, Mayor of Wildomar; Michael Vargas, Mayor of Perris; Marvin Andrade, Lake Elsinore. Front row l to r: Javier Rubalcaba, Murrieta; Veronica Langworthy, Wildomar; Elizabeth Vallejo, Perris; Dillon Wemple, Norco. Photo credit: Ric Stallworth.

August 24, 2024:
At our monthly meeting, we were fortunate to have two guest speakers: Larry Butler with SBX Youth & Family Services spoke about encouraging men and fathers in the Black Community. Link to their site, click here.
Congressional District 48 (Murrieta and Temecula) Candidate Stephen Houlahan also spoke, sharing his vision for the district.


Above left to right: Larry Butler of SBX Youth & Family Services, Candidate Stephen Houlahan.
Below: The men of our branch who were present at Saturday's meeting. Left of Larry Butler is his colleague, Royce Washington, who also spoke on his experience with youth and mentoring.

August 23, 2024:
An article was published in The Press-Enterprise about the recent board member emerita award for Mary Venerable.


August 10, 2024:
Ms. Lizzie Lyles staffing the table at The First Baptist Church community outreach. She has been serving faithfully at her church table for weeks. Our membership team under Dr. Charles Washingon is often at events such as these. All members are encouraged to invite others to join so we can grow our membership.


July 27, 2024:
We had three guest speakers at our recent branch meeting: Jonathan Williams and two colleagues from the Riverside County Registrar of Voters presenting voting information and available jobs, Dr. Sharon Barnes, attorney, who shared about ADUs (Accessory Dwelling Units) and her expertise to assist home owners in adding an ADU to their property, and Tawnee Wakefield informed the branch on behalf of the Youth Council about the recent NAACP National Convention they attended in Las Vegas.


July 13-17, 2024:
Four members of the branch along with four members of our Youth Council, as well as their advisor, attended the National NAACP Convention in Las Vegas where President Biden and others shared their progress and dreams for American social justice.


June 1, 2024:
We participated in the Anti-Hate Forum Kick-off with Branch President Myles Ross serving as one of the panelists. Ric Stallworth, Yvonne Alexander and Reggie Partlow also attended. This series of Anti-hate forums is a coordination of several local civil rights organizations to strengthen communities. State Attorney General Rob Bonta was also involved.


President Myles Ross was among the panelists at the event. At the red table, Reggie Partlow and Yvonne Alexander staffed our booth answering questions about our branch and signing up members for anyone who lives in Southwest Riverside County.


May 25, 2024:
At our monthly meeting, Mary Venerable was honored with a Board Member Emeritus award for her years of branch service in every officer capacity (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer) and as Legal Redress Chairperson. Thank you for your service, Mary, and for the guidance you have provided to many of us. Dominick Akuffu, who is the Secretary of our Youth Council, shared about the recent trip to the California Capitol. Our guest speaker was Linda Lunn of the Murrieta Valley Unified School District.


Above: Branch Vice President Pastor Willie J. Oliver, Lake Elsinore City Council members Tim Sheridan and Bob Magee, Mary Venerable the honoree, Branch Secretary Rosie Brady and President Myles Ross presenting Mary with her award.
Below: The branch also presented Mary with flowers given by Communications Chair Jennifer Palo.

Dominick Akuffu shares about his May 20 Youth Council experience at the Capitol. Linda Lunn discusses MVUSD matters and takes questions.

May 20, 2024:
Members of our recently reactivated Youth Council attended the NAACP Day At The Capitol event. Youth Council Advisor Tawnee Wakefield continues to report growing involvement of local youth in our group!


NAACP Branch 1034 Youth Council members at the Day At The Capitol in Sacramento:
Joshua Dillard, Dominick Akuffu, Jaizmine Grant, Jaimizha Grant, and Marcus Dillard.

Below: student attendees at the Capitol


May 10, 2024:
An article was featured in local online news source Patch regarding our branch's stance with other concerned groups over the Perris Union High School District's elimination of DEI and mental health programs. Click on image to read article.


April 19, 2024:
In Memorium: We honor Ira Robinson, retired attorney, statesman and Legal Redress Committee member. Please read this wonderful obituary that honors his life of service in both Alexandria, Virginia (where he helped desegregate public schools and served on city council) and here in California. We honor you and your service, Ira. And our hearts go out to Ira's family at their time of loss.


April 4, 2024:
Branch Secretary Rosie Brady attended the Wildomar and Murrieta Chamber of Commerce Mixer on behalf of the branch. The event was held at the newly opened Murrieta Hot Springs Resort.


Rosie and a friend from the Interfaith Council.


March 23, 2024:
In honor of Women's history month, two awards for Woman of the Year were presented to Secretary Rosie Brady and Communications Chair Jennifer Palo for their service to the branch. Congratulations and thank you, ladies!
Additionally, Mary Venerable resigned as long-time Treasurer, but will remain as Legal Redress Committee Chair. We give our thanks to Mary for all her service and also for her coordination of the Woman of the Year awards.
Dr. Sylvester House will now assume the position of branch Treasurer.


Top photo: Award recipients Rosie Brady and Jennifer Palo
Second photo: Jennifer Palo with Mary Venerable, who coordinated the Woman of the Year awards.
Third: Jennifer, President Myles Ross and Rosie
Fourth: Branch Matriarch Mary speaks at the meeting and retired as Treasurer.
Group photo: We had a great turnout at our meeting -- current members and new, as well as a guest speaker Mr. Cornel Hunter from Chase Bank, sharing valuable resources for Black American home buyers.

March 17, 2024:
Branch President Myles Ross and Branch Treasurer Mary Venerable attended the Perris Union High School Board meeting where a vote to eliminate DEI and mental health programs was advanced. Mary spoke at length in opposition to the vote. Myles also shared his comments on behalf of the branch and students of color. Click on the photo to read our press release.


March 13, 2024:
Branch Communications Chair Jennifer Palo and her husband Dan spoke at Menifee's Freedom Crest Elementary for their guest speaker after-school program which is directed by Branch Education Chair Dr. Shellie Dansby. Jennifer spoke about her volunteer work with the NAACP as well as her writing. Dan shared about his career in Chemical Engineering. Branch members are invited to speak at this event held on Wednesdays throughout the schoolyear.


Above: The enthusiastic students with the speakers and coordinator.
Bottom photo: Dr. Shellie Dansby, Jennifer Palo, Dan Palo

February 29, 2024:
Branch Vice President Pastor Willie Oliver is honored for saving a man's life in this newspaper article. Click here for article.


February 17, 2024:
Members of the branch attended a Black History Month event at Grace A.M.E. Church where Branch President Myles Ross spoke and where Secretary Rosie signed up new members.


Top photo, back row: President Myles, Dr. Washington, Myles' wife Cynthia and son Jared, front: Walter Glenn, Pastor Greg Harding, Rosie Brady.
Bottom photos: Branch attendees: Myles Ross, Jared Ross, Cynthia Ross, Rosie Brady, Dr. Charles Washington.

February 8, 2024:
Branch Secretary Rosie Brady accepted a City of Temecula Black History Month Proclamation on behalf of our branch at a REDI Commission Meeting.


Rosie Brady with REDI Commissioner Eric Faulkner and other members of the Black Community.

February 3, 2024:
Members of the branch staffed a membership booth at the Taste of Soul Event in Murrieta. This event is always a good time and gets exposure for our branch during Black History Month.


Top photo: Branch members staffing the booth: Dr. Sylvester House, Linda Harris, Rosie Brady, Linn Hodkinson, Dr. Shellie Dansby and Jennifer Palo. Other members also staffed the booth that day who are not pictured.
Second photo: Helping new members to sign up.
Third photo: Women making a difference for the Menifee Black community - Dr. Dansby who works in the Menifee school district and Black Menifee coordinator.

February 3, 2024:
Branch Historian Brenda Phillips attended the San Jacinto Black History Month event for the third year in a row, staffing a membership table with her grandson Javen McClaron and holding a drawing for two free branch memberships.
Brenda also attending a Black History Month flag raising ceremony on February 1 at Riverside City Hall.

2024 Black History Month Celebration Flyer.jpg

The event was held at the San Jacinto Leadership Academy with stage performances by local students and was organized by the San Jacinto Unified School District led by Lead District Counselor Angela McClaron and the San Jacinto Parent Advisory Council under Conne Hill. 
Right Photo: The winners of the two free branch memberships: Michele Anthony and Monique McCorley.
Below: photos from the Black History Month Flag Raising Ceremony at Riverside City Hall.


January 26, 2024:
Branch President Myles Ross and Branch Secretary Rosie Brady attended the United Against Hate event at UCLA's School of Law.


January 22, 2024:
One Temecula Valley PAC (along with support from our branch and other local organizations) gathered enough signatures in the recall effort for the Temecula Valley Unified School District Board Member Joseph Komrosky.


January 13, 2024:
Members of the branch attended the Inland Empire Men's Club MLK Day fundraiser breakfast at Pechanga Resort &  Casino to celebrate the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


Top photo: Branch members in attendance: front, Dr. Charles H. Washington, Sandy Selby, Dr. Catina Barnes, Rosie Brady, Stacy Carter, Katie McClendon, Dr. Welch. Back row: Dr. Sylvester House, Linda Harris, Myles Ross, Ira Robinson, Tawnee Wakefield. Brenda Phillips also attended, but is not pictured in group photo.

Photos below:
Brenda Phillips and Lizzie Lyle staff the voting registration and branch information table.

Sandy Selby and Rosie Brady with our branch banner.

Lizzie Lyle, Branch President Myles Ross and Brenda Phillips.

Lizzie Lyle and Dr. Charles Washington


December 12, 2023:
Branch President Myles Ross was honored at a Lake Elsinore City Council meeting with the Elsinore Strong Person of the Year Award in appreciation of his dedication to the city of Lake Elsinore. Congratulations, Myles!


Top photos: Myles receives his award. Below: Cynthia and Myles Ross. Mary Venerable attended on behalf of the branch. Brenda Phillips also attended, but is not pictured.

December 9, 2023:
Branch Secretary Rosie Brady organized a Christmas Luncheon for branch members. About 20 people showed up for a tasty lunch at Phil's BBQ in Temecula. Thank you for getting us together, Rosie!


Mary Venerable, Rosie Brady, Jennifer Palo

November 28, 2023:
Interim Branch Youth Council Advisor Tawnee Wakefield hosted a productive informational meeting to reactivate our Youth Council -- bringing local students and families together to discuss leadership and next steps. We are all very excited to see a more engaged youth aspect of our branch! Thank you, Tawnee!


Above: Branch President Myles Ross gives an introduction to the NAACP and our branch. Tawnee Wakefield, Interim Youth Advisor, shares information on the formation of the Youth Council. 
Below: Interested students and parents gathered for the meeting along with branch officers and committee members, back row middle: Youth Advisor Tawnee Wakefield, Communications Chair Jennifer Palo, President Myles Ross. Front middle: Education Chair Dr. Shellie Dansby.


October 31, 2023:
Branch Communications Chair Jennifer Palo published an article on local news source  about recent branch activities to support students of color. The article was also printed in Valley News several weeks later.
Click here for link to the article.


The article covers a recent Education and Workforce Summit, top photo, as well as a scholarship event from June, second photo. Both events with photos and captions are below in this Recent Events section. Third photo: Branch Treasurer and "Matriarch" Mary Venerable along with Communications Chair Jennifer Palo, who authored the article on behalf of the branch.

October 29, 2023:
Dr. Charles Washington, NAACP Chair of the Membership Committee, and Dr. Shellie Dansby-Saucier, the Education Committee Chair, attended the Menifee Union School District Resource Fair to disseminate information about our organization. The organization was also supported by Ms. Rosalind Hamilton, President of the Menifee Union School District African American Parent Advisory Council (AAPAC).


October 26-29, 2023:
Branch Vice President Pastor Willie J. Oliver attended the NAACP California Hawaii State Conference in San Francisco. 


photos from top l to r: Pastor Willie J. Oliver, NAACP CA/HI President Rick Callender, Pastor Oliver with Executive Committee Member Clinton Bailey, CA Attorney General Rob Bonta, group photo of those working on the Port Chicago 50 exoneration, Youth Sip and Paint event, Congresswoman Barbara Jean Lee, Pastor Oliver with Veterans Award Winner Dr. Antwanisha Williamson who is the State Veterans Chair and Dr. Welsh, Pastor Oliver with Veterans Award Recipient Alphonso Braggs, Ms. Hazel "Mama" Dukes is honoredPrayer Breakfast where members were honored who passed away. Pastor Olivier with our Area Director, Dr. Satia Austin who was also re-elected to the Executive Board.

October 4, 2023:
Branch President Myles Ross spoke at a joint press conference with Anthony Noriega, Director District 5 of the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), to support the recall of three TVUSD board members. See the link to this article from The Patch for more information.

Left: Director of LULAC de Inland Empire Anthony Noriega along with LULAC supporters and Branch President Myles Ross at back in white.
Many supporters turned out to support the press conference and recall effort -- including student leaders from the Temecula schools.

September 23, 2023:
Branch Membership Chair Dr. Charles H.  Washington attended an event at First Baptist Church Perris where he and lifetime Branch member Ms. Lizzie Lyle staffed a booth where they signed up new members to our branch. Thank you both!


September 16, 2023:
Branch Education Chairperson Dr. Shellie Dansby coordinated a valuable education event along with the California Family Life Center in Lake Elsinore. Numerous speakers and organizations were present providing college, career and health care information. Due to local business donations, attendees were also given school supplies, gift cards and refreshments at the event. Thank you Dr. Dansby and the entire Branch and community team who supported this worthy event!


Above Branch members and presenters: Dr. Sylvester House, Branch Assistant Treasurer, Dr. Shellie Dansby, Branch Education Chair, Dr. Charles H. Washington, Branch Membership Chair, Myles Ross, Branch President, Retired Judge Linda Verin, Retired Judge Eugene Verin, Branch Historian Brenda Phillips


Above: Pamela Wilson speaks from a local sorority. Attendees had opportunities to speak and ask questions.

September 9, 2023:
Members of our branch attended the September Breakfast Fundraiser hosted by the Murrieta-Temecula Area Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. at Pechanga Resort Casino. At the event, local businessman and Branch Membership Chairperson Dr. Charles Washington was honored with a Community Hero Award. Congratulations, Dr. Washington!

Dr Washington Delta Award 1[2].JPG
Dr. Washington Delta Award 2)[1].JPG

Dr. Parker presents Dr. Washington with an award at the September Breakfast Fundraiser.

Dr. Washington Delta Award 3[1].JPG

August 26, 2023:
At our monthly branch meeting, two donations were presented to our branch by local supporters. A Sam's Club gift card and a check from a local organization were presented to Dr. Shellie Dansby for our upcoming September 16 Education Event. These donations and others will fund the food and give-aways for the student event.



Jonathan Reese of the Clarence Drewery Consistery #389 presented a check to Dr. Shellie Dansby for $550 toward the education event along with fellow Consistery member Dr. Sylvester House who is also our branch Asst. Treasurer.

Aurora Romo of Sam's Club presented Dr. Dansby with a $100 gift card toward the education event.


July 12, 2023:
Members of our branch continue to build relationships with local law enforcement under the care of our branch Community Coordinator Ric Stallworth. President Myles Ross, Secretary Rosie Brady, Treasurer Mary Venerable and Ric Stallworth were present at a meeting with the Lake Elsinore Police Department. The department recently lost Deputy Calhoun in the line of duty. Our condolences go out to the Calhoun family, the department and the community.



Photos of Lake Elsinore Police Dept and fallen Deputy Calhoun. A group photo of the meeting not available.

June 24, 2023:
Our branch was honored to present scholarships and Certificates of Academic Excellence to four local graduating high school seniors. Because of our fundraising efforts in May, we were able to generously support each student.



Branch officers with scholarship recipients: Asst. Treasurer Dr. Sylvester House, President Myles Ross, Secretary Rosie Brady, Ayana Gibson, Quentin Chadwick, Arianna Walsh, Brianna Mills, Education Chair Dr. Shellie Dansby and Membership Chair Dr. Charles Washington.

June 17, 2023:
Everyone had a great time at the Menifee Juneteenth Celebration where our branch had a booth for signing up new members.



Photos from top to bottom: Branch President Myles Ross; Historian Brenda Phillips; Brenda with Secretary Rosie Brady, Veteran Affairs Chairperson Reggie Partlow; Reggie, member Anthony and Myles. Membership Chairperson Dr. Charles Washington, San Jacinto City Council Member Brian Hawkins and Reggie.


May 17, 2023:
Branch officers met with Murrieta Police Chief Tony Conrad in a continued effort to maintain a mutually supportive relationship between social justice advocacy and law enforcement and public safety.


Branch President Myles Ross, Murrieta Police Chief Tony Conrad, Branch Secretary Rosie Brady, Branch Treasurer Mary Venerable and other members of the Murrieta Police Department. Not pictured: Ric Stallworth, Branch Community Advisor, who organized the meeting.


May 2, 2023:
Myles Ross, Branch President, spoke at the Lake Elsinore Historical Society meeting. He presented his speech titled "Why History Matters" in which he outlined the history of our branch, the history of the idea of race and the dominant issue of the day -- the inaccurate use of the term Critical Race Theory in preventing the teaching of portions of American History.


NAACP Branch President Myles Ross along with Lake Elsinore Historical Society Members. All photos by Andrez Imaging.


March 25, 2023:
We enjoyed our first in-person membership meeting since 2020 at Grace & Truth Worship Ministry in Lake Elsinore. We had a full room and lots of great discussion. 
A special part of the meeting was honoring Rosie Brady, Branch Secretary, as Woman of the Month.
Our guest speaker was Barbara Matthews from Interfaith Council.


Above: President Myles Ross presents the award to Secretary Rosie Brady.
Below: Guest Speaker Barbara Matthews

Above: Branch Woman of the Month, Rosie Brady.
Below: Communications Chair Jennifer Palo and History Chair Brenda Phillips

Above: Legal Redress Committee Member Ira Robinson having fun with Treasurer and Legal Redress Chair Mary Venerable.
Below: Education Chair Dr. Shellie Dansby

Above: Executive Board members, Vice President Pastor Willie J. Oliver, Secretary Rosie Brady, President Myles Ross and Treasurer Mary Venerable.
Below: New member and local activist Rachel Dennis shares with members.


March 2023:
Myles Ross, Branch President, spoke before the Temecula Valley Unified School District Board -- clarifying Critical Race Theory and asking them to rescind their December 2022 resolution banning CRT and systemic racism teaching in their district.

Branch President Myles Ross speaking to TVUSD Board. Photo credit: Andrez Imaging

Our branch also published (click on this link) an article in The Patch providing info on Critical Race Theory.

February 2023:
San Jacinto's Black History Month Celebration attended by our History Chairperson Brenda Phillips where she and her daughter Angela McClaron and granddaughter Nakela Smith staffed a booth and membership drive for our branch.

Image 2-23-23 at 2.09 PM.jpg

Brenda Phillips -- thank you, Brenda!

February 2023:
The Lake Elsinore Historical Society recently featured beloved Poet and Playwright and NAACP Legacy Awardee  Richard Gordon for “A Conversation about Racial Healing.”

The Lake Elsinore History Museum also houses items from our NAACP Branch 1034 history.


Mr. Gordon shared his essay about the need for teaching Black History with the conclusion that: “The True Goal of Black History Must Be the Development of a Full and Honest American History.” He also shared two of his poems: “The Way of Love” in honor of his wife Carol and “Martin and the Mountaintop: An Illustrated Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.”

The Charter for NAACP Branch 1034, established in 1977.

October 2022:
In partnership with California Family Life in Lake Elsinore, we held a well-attended Youth Education Event. Our branch Youth Advisor, Dr. Shellie Dansby (pictured in center of group photos), coordinated the summit.


August 2022:
Branch meets with Murrieta Police Chief Tony Conrad. Click on photo to read the article.


NAACP Branch representatives meet with Murrieta Police Chief Conrad. L to R: Jennifer Palo, Mary Venerable, Chief Conrad, Myles Ross and Ric Stallworth.

June 2022:
Juneteenth Freedom Day Jubilee Celebration at Lake Pointe Park in Lake Elsinore


Branch officers and chairs: Ira Robinson, Rosie Brady and Mary Venerable at our booth.


President Pastor Oliver with Lake Elsinore City Council member Bob Magee and Lake Elsinore Mayor Tim Sheridan.


Lake Elsinore City Council Member Brian Tisdale with Pastor Oliver.

February 2022:
Black History Celebration in Perris. Our branch booth was a popular stop and Branch President Pastor Oliver spoke on stage.


February 2022:
Our History Chairperson, Brenda Phillips, attended a Black History Month event at the San Jacinto Middle School. She represented our branch where people signed up to get involved and become new members.


Brenda signing up new members to our branch. Thank you, Brenda!


Many interested people visited our booth.


Local Black Student Union and other organizations were present at this great event.


February 2022:
Black History Month 
Taste of Soul & Black Business Expo at the Murrieta Community Center 


Branch Treasurer Mary Venerable and Branch Historian Brenda Phillips invite visitors to become members.


Branch Communications Chairperson Jennifer Palo invites passers by to learn more about our branch.


Branch President Pastor Oliver (right) and Branch Member Myles Ross share with visitors about our activities in the community.


Many adults with children visited our booth to learn about the work of the NAACP in our area.

June 2021:
President Pastor Oliver and Acting Vice President Rosie Brady participated in a recognition ceremony for local students of color who graduated with honors.



Rosie Brady, Nikki Kirk, Jasmine Perez, Malik Williams, JaBari Williams and Pastor Oliver

Rosie Brady and Pastor Oliver with Naketris "Nikki" Kirk, the first African-American Valedictorian at Vista Murrieta High School.


Student Honorees with Murrieta Mayor Pro Tem Christi White.

Pastor Oliver, Rosie Brady and Dr. Charles Washington who represents the Inland Empire Men's Club.


June 2021:
Juneteenth Freedom Day - collaborative event with NAACP Branch 1034, Stand Up for Justice and numerous organizations and artists to bring promote "unity in the community".
Held at the Lake Elsinore Storm Stadium.


Branch committee chairs and officers at the membership booth.
L to R: Rosie Brady, Jennifer Palo, Dr. Quinlan Strong (Organizer of the Event), Pastor Oliver and Monique Watts.


Mary Venerable, Anthony Bennett and Rosie Brady signing up new members at the event.

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February 2021:
Legacy Awards Ceremony -
We honored four distinguished members for their ground-breaking contributions to our community.


L to R: Richard Gordon, Mary Venerable, Pastor Oliver (presenting awards), Barbara Anderson and George Brown. The four distinguished guests were interviewed and presented with commemorative plaques.


Mary Venerable, NAACP Branch 1034 Treasurer and Legal Redress Chairperson, was honored for many firsts as a black woman in her career field with the Navy Department, the U.S. Civil Service and the Los Angeles Community College District. She was also recognized for her many years of loyal service to our branch in which she held various offices and for her volunteer work in the community.


Richard Gordon was honored as a published poet and playwright who has also been featured in Ebony magazine and an anthology. He authored and illustrated a tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. titled Martin and the Mountaintop. His play, Bulldog and the Bear won him the Larraine Hansberry and Michale Kanin playwriting awards. He has also served in the community in many ways. He shared his poignant poem "Black Love" with the audience from his book Orange Sherbet and Hot Chocolate.


George Brown, whose family was the first black family in Lake Elsinore, was honored for being the first black equipment operator for the State of California and in Riverside County, for his work with local youth and for his many years of service to our branch and other community organizations such as the Black Arts and Cultural Club.


Barbara Andersen was honored for her many years of service as a librarian in the U.S and abroad and for being the first minority County Librarian in the state and the first minority Department Head in San Bernardino County. She has been featured in Marquis "Who's Who" for over 50 years and has designed numerous libraries. She was also awarded for her work in the branch and in many community organizations.

January 2021:
Branch 1034 President Pastor Willie J Oliver presented retired Murrieta Police Chief Sean Hadden with a plaque and certificate of appreciation for the years of collaboration between the two groups.

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November 2020:
We raised funds to support local Perris High School families during pandemic at-home learning.


L to R: NAACP Branch 1034 Vice President Rosie Brady, Perris High School Principal Juan Santos, Assistant Principal Dr. Kristi Coulter, Branch Education Chair Katie McClendon, Branch Communications Chair Jennifer Palo and Branch President Pastor Willie Oliver at the Perris High School presentation of donations.

February 2020: 
Black History Month

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January 2020:

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NAACP Branch 1034

P.O. BOX 543



Phone: 951-387-8848


© 2020

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